Kannada actor Rishab Shetty recently stirred controversy with his statement during an interview, claiming that Bollywood films portray India negatively at international film festivals. His remarks have since gone viral.

Rishab Shetty

Kannada actor-director Rishab Shetty recently stirred controversy with remarks aimed at Bollywood following his National Award win for his blockbuster film ‘Kantara’. In an interview, Shetty criticized Bollywood for portraying India negatively at international film festivals and expressed his desire to depict India in a more positive light through his work.

Rishab Shetty secured the Best Actor award at the 70th National Film Awards for his role in ‘Kantara’. As he promotes his upcoming film, ‘Laughing Buddha’, starring Pramod Shetty, his recent statements have sparked discussions.

During a promotional interview with MetroSaga, Shetty expressed his views on Bollywood, with his comments roughly translated from Kannada as, “Indian films, especially Bollywood, often show India in a bad light. These so-called art films are celebrated at global events, but I take pride in my nation, my state, and my language. Why not showcase them positively? That’s what I’m striving to do.”

The interview clip has since gone viral on social media, generating significant buzz. However, his remarks have not been well received by everyone. Some users have criticized Shetty, accusing him of hypocrisy by pointing out the intimate scenes between him and actor Sapthami Gowda in ‘Kantara’. These scenes were previously called out for objectifying women, leading to a broader debate about consent in cinema.

On August 16, the 70th National Film Awards were announced, with Rishab Shetty taking home the Best Actor award for ‘Kantara’. In his acceptance speech, he expressed his gratitude to the entire team for their support.

On the professional front, Rishab Shetty is currently busy shooting ‘Kantara: Chapter 1’, a prequel to his award-winning film. Reports suggest that the movie is slated for an early 2025 release, although an official confirmation is still awaited.