India clarified its non-signatory status to a joint communique at a Switzerland-hosted peace summit on Ukraine, emphasizing the necessity for the involvement of all conflicted parties in the negotiation process.

India refrained from endorsing the joint communique on peace in Ukraine at a summit hosted by Switzerland. This decision coincided with Russia’s choice to abstain from the summit, dismissing it as futile.

Representing India at the two-day talks in the Swiss Alpine resort of Stansstad was Pavan Kapoor, Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs. Kapoor articulated that India’s participation aimed to explore pathways for a negotiated settlement to the intricate issue in Ukraine.

In a concise statement, the senior Indian diplomat clarified India’s position. While refraining from aligning with any communique or document emerging from the summit, India advocated for “sincere and practical engagement” between Moscow and Kyiv to achieve a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

“Our approach remains consistent,” Kapoor affirmed. “Enduring peace can only be achieved through dialogue and diplomacy.”

“We continue to believe that such peace requires bringing together all stakeholders and sincere and practical engagement between the conflicting parties,” he added.

The summit convened delegates from over 100 countries and organizations, including several heads of state. Notably absent were Russia, uninvited to the gathering, and China, which chose not to attend.

The joint communique issued at the summit’s conclusion was endorsed by 83 states and organizations. It reiterated the commitment of signatories to refrain from using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

It emphasized the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity for all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders. It also called for “sincere and practical engagement” between the conflicting parties.