The private firm not only secured contracts for sniper rifles but also landed deals worth nearly USD 50 million in ammunition supply from multiple countries.

India has achieved a significant milestone by becoming an exporter of sniper rifles for the first time, with a Bengaluru-based firm securing a contract from a friendly nation. SSS Defence, a leading small-arms manufacturer, has clinched a major export deal to supply .338 Lapua Magnum calibre sniper rifles. In addition to these rifles, the private firm has also secured contracts exceeding USD 50 million for ammunition supply from several countries.

The sniper rifles, designed and manufactured entirely in India, are capable of targeting distances up to 1,500 meters and beyond. According to sources in the defence sector cited in a report by The Print, this marks India’s inaugural export of sniper rifles to a foreign nation. SSS Defence has successfully completed the initial exports of these rifles and is currently engaged in discussions with other potential customer nations.

Delegations from these countries have already visited SSS Defence’s manufacturing and testing facility in Bengaluru, with ongoing negotiations for additional contracts underway. As quoted by The Print, sources emphasize that India, formerly reliant on imports, has now transitioned into manufacturing and exporting a diverse range of military equipment, from artillery guns to missile systems and small arms.

The .338 Lapua Magnum sniper rifle holds substantial export potential, given its adoption by over 30 countries and the availability of multiple configurations from numerous manufacturers worldwide.