Grasping these terms can assist you in navigating the complexities of modern dating and identifying unhealthy patterns.

Dry Dating

Dry dating involves meeting up without alcohol, emphasizing meaningful conversation and authentic connections. It focuses on building genuine relationships without the influence of substances.


Breadcrumbing is a manipulative behavior where one partner gives just enough attention to keep the other interested but not enough to establish a real relationship. This often results in the other person feeling undervalued and neglected.


A situationship describes a relationship where one partner seeks physical intimacy without emotional commitment. This can lead to one person hoping for a deeper connection, causing confusion and potential heartbreak.


Benching happens when someone keeps their romantic options open by staying in a relationship while also entertaining other potential partners. This way, they have a backup plan if the current relationship doesn’t work out.

Love Bombing

Love bombing is when a new partner overwhelms you with excessive attention, gifts, and affection at the beginning of a relationship. Once the initial phase fades, the love bomber often becomes distant, leaving the other person feeling used and abandoned.


Rizz refers to someone who excessively boasts about their looks and charm, believing they can attract anyone. However, this often reflects more on their self-image than their actual ability to form meaningful connections.


Ghosting occurs when someone abruptly cuts off all communication without explanation. They might be very engaging one day and then vanish without a trace, leaving the other person confused and hurt.


Zombieing is when someone who previously ghosted you reappears unexpectedly, wanting to reconnect. This can lead to a cycle of hope and disappointment. It’s important to address this behavior and set clear boundaries.

Understanding these terms can help you navigate modern dating dynamics and identify unhealthy patterns, fostering healthier and more satisfying relationships.