In response, the administration has taken strict action by sealing several coaching institutes in the area. Despite these measures, the protests persist, fueled by the students’ demand for justice and accountability.

Rau IAS Coaching has made a significant announcement to support the grieving families, though there is a condition that might complicate this goodwill gesture.

Rau IAS has pledged 50 lakh rupees to the families of the deceased students. According to Mohit Saraf, the lawyer representing Rau IAS, an initial amount of 25 lakhs will be disbursed immediately. The remaining 25 lakhs, however, will be given only once the CEO of the coaching institute, Abhishek, is released from jail.

Saraf explained the reasoning behind this conditional offer, stating that the coaching institute currently lacks the full amount. The release of CEO Abhishek is crucial for securing the remaining funds, which will be provided within the next six months.

Addressing the media, Saraf expressed deep sympathy for the families who lost their children, acknowledging their pain and suffering. He also highlighted the broader impact of the students’ protests, which have disrupted the operations of the coaching institute. With the CEO in jail and the institute’s activities halted, even the employees have been left without salaries.

Alongside Rau IAS, other institutions such as Vajiram and Next IAS have also pledged 10 lakh rupees each to support the families of the deceased students.

The tragedy in Rajendra Nagar has sparked significant unrest among the student community, leading to widespread protests. In response, the administration has taken strict action, sealing several coaching institutes in the area. Despite these measures, the protests continue, driven by the students’ demand for justice and accountability.

The offer from Rau IAS comes as a double-edged sword—providing much-needed financial support to the affected families but also hinging on the contentious issue of the CEO’s release. As the situation unfolds, the affected families and the broader community watch closely, hoping for a resolution that addresses both justice and compassion.